Monday, 27 May 2013

Why is First aid so important?

First aid is the emergency care that is administered to a sick or injured person prior to the professional medical care. First aid basically comprises of easy life saving practices that can be carried out by a layman or a person without any medical background and knowledge. 

First aid is found to be very useful in reducing the injury and potential harm to the victim. If first aid is provided on time, the risk of the injury can be reduced and it can be stopped from growing out to be really worse. In some cases, first aid becomes essential to save the life of the injured person.

First aid treatments are required in a majority of instances, including eye injury, cuts and abrasions, burns, food poisoning, choking, bites, stings, road accidents, accidents at home and work place, and heart attacks.

First aid treatment can be carried out by a bystander. But it is important that he/she knows basic first aid skills. If you have children, or you indulge in sports and hobbies that could result in injuries, you must know first aid. Getting proper training in first aid and CPR can be of great help. in case some one gets injured, you can always provide help and make that person feel better until professional help comes.

Emergencies do happen, they are part of life. First aid helps avoid the detrimental effects of the emergencies.

Examples of Infections & diseases that are common in children

It is difficult to imagine someone who is 100% fit and fine. We all get ill every now and then and encounter infections and health problems. Poor lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and inactivity are some of the reasons why most of us acquire infections and diseases. The same is true for children. Children are very sensitive and therefore they easily get infections and diseases.

Here are examples of infections and diseases that are quite common in childhood and which need extra care and precaution.

Cold and cough are very common in childhood. If not treated properly, cold and cough turns into serious chest infections, like bronchitis and pneumonia.

Some children develop asthma due to prolonged coughing and wheezing. Asthma may also be triggered off by bronchitis or by allergy due to pollen or dust. Asthma is a serious childhood disease as it poses difficulty in breathing caused by the narrowing of the air passage to the lungs.

Children may also get skin infections and diseases if they are allergic to any detergent or fabric or to any food.

A lot of children suffer from abdominal pain. Pain in abdomen is usually caused due to overeating or eating food that is too rich. Children may also experience pain in abdomen if they eat excitedly or if they laugh or play while eating.

Serious childhood infection like small pox is virtually eliminated nowadays as most advanced nations have come up with proper vaccinations and immunization for the same.

Poor eyesight, complete or partial deafness, obesity, diabetes, and growth disorder like problem in gaining weight or height are some other childhood health problems that need proper and timely medical intervention.

Always remember that most infections and childhood diseases are caused by virus and bacterium that easily spread via food or water. Depending on the infection and disease, children may experience different side effects. They may refuse to eat and drink, experience difficulty in breathing, experience serious vomiting, blood stained stool or may get body rash and develop fever.

If you notice any of the symptoms, take your child to a good doctor immediately.For more info you can visit:-

Importance of hand washing in preventing infections & diseases

We have heard time and again that prevention is better than cure. And one of the best ways to prevent spread of germs and harmful bacteria is to wash your hands. Hand washing is very effective in reducing the chances of an infection break-out. Even if you wear protective gloves while carrying cleaning job or waste disposal or emptying of trash bins, you must always wash your hands with a good quality cleansing solution.

Hand washing is all the more important for children. Since children spend a lot of time outside they are more prone to get infections and diseases. You must encourage them to wash their hands whenever they come back home from outside. Hand washing would wash off infectious germs and bacteria and would prevent them from falling sick.

Here are some tips for effective hand washing:-

Wet your hands with warm running water before applying soap or hand wash.

Add soap and rub your hands together to make lather.

Now wash the front and back of your hands, the space in between your fingers and under the nails.

Continue rubbing your hands all over for at least 15-20 seconds.

Rinse your hands thoroughly under warm running water.

Use clean towel or hand dryer to dry your hands.

Though hand washing is the best means of keeping your hands clean and in preventing spread of infections and diseases, you must always carry a good alcohol based hand sanitizer, gel or antibacterial hand wipes in case water and soap are not present.